Month: March 2014

  • A day to remember forever. I just completed the first draft of my very first book. So far it all adds up to 249 pages and 127,228 words… yet it is a living entity, a part of my soul, so much more than just words and numbers.       

  • Twelve years ago, helping a friend with a photo shoot. Limitations exist only in our heads. You are what you settle for.       

  • 240 pages into my 1st draft and Chapter 17 is done! Only one more Chapter to go. OMG!!! I am really doing it, I am truly writing my first book!! Incredibly happy!       

  • The Biggest “Thank You” to My Crowd!

    Yesterday my Indiegogo campaign came to its end. It ran for 59 days and it was the very first time I tried crowd-funding. It turned out that my crowd-funding was about so much more than just money. From the first day onward until the very end people contributed every day. I asked all my friends…

  • Call me crazy, the last two days were productive: Pushed through Chapter 15, then realized that I needed to split it. Am now finished with Chapter 15 and 16, heading straight into Chapter 17… Yeehaa!       

  • This morning it’s family time. We’ll be planting flowers in our small island jungle garden. The rest of the weekend will be dedicated to sitting amongst the green, the colorful flowers and write write write…