Yesterday my Indiegogo campaign came to its end. It ran for 59 days and it was the very first time I tried crowd-funding. It turned out that my crowd-funding was about so much more than just money.
From the first day onward until the very end people contributed every day. I asked all my friends to like my page and share it with their friends, and many of you did – multiple times.
In the end even though many of you helped me in a fantastic marketing effort, not one person who didn’t know me personally contributed.
We collected 10,117 USD – and it all came from YOU my friends!
As the campaign neared its end, some of my closest friends donated as much as three times, which completely blew me away. People who barely had enough money to make it through every month themselves insisted on contributing, and many of you wrote me beautiful messages, lifting my spirits, cheering me on, making me realize just how very lucky I am to have you in my life.
Because of your incredible efforts I will be able to pay a professional editor for my book. PayPal and the credit card companies will take 10% of the cut, but I will still be left with a bit more than 9,000 USD which is pretty much the exact amount I will need to pay him. He will go over my 2nd draft and then the corrected 3rd draft, helping me shape my at times somewhat crude writing style into something much more awesome. The rest of the funds needed I will have to borrow, and hope that I will become rich and famous one day to be able to pay back all my debts.
Like the rest of my life writing my first book has become an incredible journey, and like the rest of my life it is all about the people I meet on the way.
I am happy that my memoirs are now not just my book anymore. It has become an effort of friends, an effort of the coolest crowd I can possibly imagine, and all of you my friends will live on in this book – for better or worse 😉
Thanks for being there! I don’t know how to thank you enough and will try to honor your efforts by delivering a piece of literature that will be remembered for a long time.
Stay tuned, and follow my updates on either one of these three places:
My book’s facebook page:
WordPress blog:
Tumblr blog:
At this moment I am almost done with my 1st draft and am looking at about 240 pages. I hope not a single one of those pages will end up being boring.
Biggest hugs and thanks once more. For your support, your love, and trust. You have truly blown me away my friends. Life is beautiful!