Month: October 2015
Those Precious Moments
Leisurely hovering side-by-side a big Napoleon Wrasse in Micronesia, its slowly rotating eye following my every move while silently enquiring “Who are you biped? Should I be worried about you?”… Feeling the wingtip of a Manta Ray, brushing against me light as a feather, while the giant creature continues sailing over my head as gracefully…
Final Draft of Paralian’s Cover
Here is the final draft of the book cover we hope will catch your eye in bookstores on- and offline starting May 28, 2016. My awesome wife Hanna came up with the cover design as well as the book’s final title. The portrait has been taken by my good friend and photographer Susanne Stauss. You…
Two years of hard work and tenacity condensed in one page…
Lots to learn for me while publishing #Paralian. Here is the AI – the Advanced Information Sheet, written by my amazing PR company #LiterallyPR. Thanks so much Sam and Helen! It’s a first glimpse for potentially interested media smile emoticon I’ll share it with you too, because, quite frankly Sam did such a fabulous job summing up my…
One who lives by the Sea
‘Paralian’ comes from the ancient greek and means ‘one who lives by the sea’. I could never imagine being without bodies of water, be it to be immersed in them or to just let my eyes wander over rippling, myriad shades of blue… Where there were none, I created them (as you can see in…
It’s time for PR…
My PR company, LiterallyPR is fantastic. I am so happy to have found this team of competent specialists who truly care beyond just making money. Check out my book’s page on their website:
Be Brave
After I had an epiphany and understood fully “I am transgender”, there was only one way: forward. Continuing in the wrong body was never an option. I was scared but determined. Then, I began telling people about my situation: “I’m actually a man stuck in a female body. I’ve started hormone therapy, so you’ll see…
Changed Forever
Ten years ago to date I left my home in Zurich and moved to turquoise heaven: Kuredu, a tiny island in the mesmerisingly beautiful Lhaviyani Atoll and its surrounding Indian Ocean. Here I am, the little guy on the right, with the other two members of our Kuredu snorkel guide team in 2005. And what…