Month: July 2016

  • Thank you!

    Just want to share this great review with you that fellow author Daisy White wrote about ‪Paralian‬ the other day. Slowly but surely reviews are trickling in. I am humbled by some of them and immensely grateful for all of them. If you’ve finished reading the book already, it’ll be absolutely fantastic if you can leave a…

  • Adoption

    “For years, I had puzzled over being the only dark-haired, darker-complexioned person in our family. My emotional make-up and character didn’t quite seem to fit with the rest of my family either. I had kept searching for similarities between my parents and me, as every child does, and had found none. But my mom Hildegard…

  • Extraordinary Summer Reading!

    We are nearing 3‘000 followers on this page which is truly amazing. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your dedicated interest and support!! It means A LOT 🙂 I’ll keep sharing anecdotes, memories, and thoughts with you and I’ll keep updating you on what’s happening in Paralian’s world. As a sunny summer “thank…

  • The Boy Who Knew

    As a child I knew instinctively… trapped within this little girl’s body was a little boy… and that’s who he’d always be… “Each summer, I couldn’t wait to get back to the ocean. The sand dunes seemed to traverse the island like mountainous, slow-gliding golems. More than anything, I longed to reclaim my freedom. As…

  • Turbulent Seas

    Another short excerpt for you from Paralian. I was only days away from saying goodbye to my Indian Ocean home when a group of experienced divers and I were out on a full-day boat trip to a neighboring atoll. Then a storm hit us full force: “… We clambered back onboard, which was no small…

  • Indian Ocean Mementos

    Just yesterday, I re-discovered this picture from 2008. It used to be posted on the staff board of the Maldivian dive center where I spent four profoundly inspiring years. Consequently, today, I am feeling even more nostalgic than usual about those turquoise years. Let me share another little tidbit from my book with you from…

  • Unconditional Love

    This lovely, good-humoured correction to a child’s birth announcement years after the fact just made my day! In a perfect world I’d wish all human beings were capable of such unconditional love and acceptance… thanks so much to the wonderful parents for their open and genuine gesture!       

  • Can I Do Something?

    Caught a flu in the middle of summer. I am now in a near-zombie state on my couch and – dare I admit it – googling myself 😉 To my astonishment I found 2 (!) newspapers in Nigeria who picked up last week’s Mirror article about the transgender part of my life story. It makes me…

  • Nigeria Today: Transgender man happier after undergoing surgery

    Nigeria Today, July 3, 2016: “Transgender man reveals he is happier after undergoing surgery” – article based on Mirror UK       

  • Top 100 and featured in Nigeria Today!

    It’s only noon here and it’s already been a great day! Early this morning, I was quite stunned to find myself featured in yet another online newspaper: Nigeria Today picked up yesterday’s Mirror article. I’m honored and still a bit speechless! Hello Africa!!! Only a few hours later I was delighted to discover that ‘Paralian:…

  • The Sunday Mirror: I was Always Supposed to be a Man

    UK, The Sunday Mirror, July 3, 2016: “I was born a girl – but I always knew I was supposed to be a man” – by Rosie Hopegood       

  • An article about the transgender part of my life journey…

    Rosie Hopegood, journalist with the Sunday Mirror, and I had a 2-hour chat a few weeks ago under the twinkling London Eye. Today the result of our spirited, genuine conversation has been published: an article about the transgender part of my life journey. As a good friend of mine pointed out “Rosie’s article portrays someone…