Month: February 2017
Story of the Day
My post “You don’t Have To” is Story of the Day on Scriggler today! Read more here. Thanks @DSelemir and Scriggler! #Paralian #LiamKlenk #lifejourney #beyourself #nobox #nolabels
Hello Mom
The unforgettable day I met my birth mom for the first time… and, at the same time, a rare photographic moment, captured just months before I had gender reassignment surgery… “My biological mom lived on the top floor of the four-story apartment building. There was no elevator. With every step up, my heart soared and…
Coming Home to Myself
Bored Panda, Feb 13, 2017: “A Story Of Coming Home To Myself” – by Liam Klenk
You Always Can – A Story of Coming Home to Myself
Just put this story on Bored Panda. Have a look at the actual Bored Panda page here and please upvote, like and share as much as you can all over social media. Thanks! I have always been drawn to water. Any body of water. Oceans mostly. Wanted to immerse myself. Dive in. Explore and discover. But,…
Bluewin Switzerland Feature
Bluewin, Switzerland, Feb 12, 2017: “Ich wusste schon mit 4, dass ich im falschen Koerper geboren bin” – by Danica Groehlich
The biggest treasure underwater lies in the shallow depths of the coral reefs. And in the simple joy of softly gliding along weightlessly, being just one more unassuming organism within the endless depths. I love the wild beauty underneath those waves. The myriad shades of turquoise and blue. The diversity of ocean life all around…
JJ Marsh’s Book Talk
JJ Marsh’s Booktalk, Feb 7, 2017: “It’s Not All About You” – by JJ Marsh
International author backs Kent transgender student
Sean McPolin’s Blog, Feb 1, 2017: “International author backs Kent transgender student” – by Sean McPolin
International author backs Kent transgender student
Thank you Sean McPolin. I’m glad Lily won this battle. There’ll be many more to come. Some to do with her being trans, others just because challenging us is what life does… Makes me think of a quote I read the other day, “You’re gonna be happy’” said life, “but first I’ll make you strong.”…