Month: July 2017

  • Sparks and Dreams

    Ever since I began writing Paralian four years ago, my childhood dreams have come alive again. A storyteller is what I always wanted to be. I’ve longed to write and publish books for as long as I can remember. Since I began doing just that, finding enough money and time to keep on writing has…

  • The Sparkling Rainbow of Creation

    LGBT, trans, and whatever shade in between, we’ve always been around. Be it amongst humans or within the plant and animal kingdom. Just another bunch of colors in the sparkling rainbow of creation. ”Oddly, humans are not the only animals that engage in cross-dressing or have transgender identity issues; a lot of animals also have…

  • You’re Becoming You

    A little while back, on June 2nd, 2017, I read the following text underneath one of Brandon Stanton’s photographs for Humans of New York (thanks for your inspiring work Brandon. I hope you don’t mind if I share this here): “I don’t think I’m going to miss eighth grade. It’s been a tough year. A lot…

  • Benji

    Here, finally, an excerpt from the 1st draft of the book I am currently working on. This chapter tells about my first canine companion, a cute albeit rather enormous English Mastiff puppy I was given at the age of 7. Sadly, his stay with us was brief, but he will never be forgotten: “Oh no,…

  • Passion vs. Safety

    New article of mine on TheatreArtLife about career choices and passion vs. safety… It’s never an easy choice… or is it? Read the full article here.