30 Years Zurich Pride

At the Zurich Pride Parade with BCG and GetConnected last Saturday, celebrating humanity, DE&I, and the parade’s 30ieth anniversary. There are not enough words to describe how happy I was. 75’000 people were celebrating the amazing diverse human beings they are this year at our parade. It was my very first time being on a truck! I even ended up at the rear-end of the truck at some point, dancing and animating the crowd of thousands of people behind pur slow-moving vehicle. I was surrounded by lovely, supportive, and open-minded people. And, I was thinking, “Look at you Liam, having to hide, hold back, and make yourself smaller for such a long time in your life… a good 45 years of your life actually. But now here you are. Bursting with joy. Living your life as fully as you can, and even having the privilege of helping others in the process.” I had tears in my eyes, my heart was beating in sync with the world around me, in sync with the world inside of me. And when the parade ended, it was far too soon. Thank you BCG. Thank you GetConnected. Thank you to everyone with open hearts, and minds! Thank you to everyone embracing humanity with all its many beautiful forms and expressions!