Category: Family
Roots – My probably strangest and most fulfilling Christmas to date
The 25th is definitely an extremely important family day in Italy. Absolutely everything was closed. And pretty much all day – after I left Taranto – I was the only person on the road. Coasting along through olive tree orchards and deserted villages as if in a dream. Sometimes, when I stopped in a village…
Focusing On What Is Truly Important
Last week, I went on a 5-hour hike with a good friend of mine. Switzerland sure has beautiful corners everywhere. We walked from Schoenenberg to Sihlbrugg, along this incredibly tranquil trail. For the longest time, it felt as if we were somewhere far away in the wilderness. We barely met anyone else. Plus, following the…
So Many “Thank You”s To You All
As we are nearing the end of this year, I’d like to say thank you to all of my friends near and far, old and new, for their support. Thank you for believing in me. There were so many acts of kindness… ranging from that little “like” of support for one of my posts, to…
Looking for an Apartment and Job in Montpellier
It’s been a while since my last post. But, I’ll do my best over the coming months to keep you all posted on a weekly or at least bi-weekly basis. Lockdown has become less strict here in the South of France which is quite fabulous. We can now venture out for three hours a day,…
Can I just say how grateful I am for my dad? I mean, I am thinking daily, “Damn, I’m stuck here in Germany in this small apartment without any privacy, camping on the couch in the middle of the room.” True. There are no doors to close, and it’s a small one-bedroom apartment. Nowhere to…
A Discounting Mechanism
Have any of you seen ‘Where’d You Go Bernadette’? I’ve wanted to watch it for a long time and finally got around to it last night. The intro really hit me , which is why I want to share it here with you: “Have you ever heard that the brain is like a discounting mechanism?…
Boo, Lara, and Bocelli
Thinking of this little family today. I found them in a pet store in Macau, in 2010. They had just been rescued from the street. A cat with three kittens. All of them were horribly sick. They had any infection you could think of… cat flu, ear infections, eye infections, ringworm, etc. One of the…