Tag: #bookreview
A Medal in the Mailbox
Look what I got in the mail today I had to take this pic. It’s not every day one gets a medal Almost feel like I’ve won the Olympics. Thanks Readers Favorite for recognizing my 1st book with this awesome award! https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/paralian
Book Recommendations by Dr. Johanna Nemson
‘How I Got to Know My Colleagues: One Page at a Time’ A lovely blog post here about Paralian and other books from book enthusiast Dr. Johanna Nemson. Thanks so much for taking the time to dive into the diversity of our stories!
Silver Award for Paralian
Busy day today Just now Paralian received a Silver Award from The Hungry Monster Book Review. To say it in the Monster’s own voice, “The Silver Award is bestowed on books that expertly deliver complex characters, intricate worlds, and thought provoking themes. The ease with which the story is told is a reflection of the…
Bookmuse Review of Paralian
Wonderful review of Paralian by Bookmuse. Take a timeout from whatever you’re doing right now and read it here 🙂 Heartfelt thanks to Bookmuse and reviewer JJ Marsh!