Tag: #watchthisspace

  • One Step At A Time

    In April 2010, I put this Buddha on the rooftop overlooking the small communal terrace of our apartment building here in Macau. I remember sweating buckets, my arms feeling as if they were being ripped from my torso, and silently wondering what on Earth had possessed me to volunteer to help my landlord wrestle the…

  • A Couch With A View

    Since beginning of this year, I’ve taken a sabbatical from writing the first draft of my second book. Life changes have kept me busy and, at the same time, have served to clear my head regarding how I want to go about writing this collection of tales. I am now back on my couch with…

  • Writing Continues…

    So, here is the plan for the coming months: After a short summer time writing sabbatical, I’ll re-double my efforts. From now on, I’ll hole up in this cozy space for most of my spare time, to continue writing my 2nd book “Word of Mouse”. A friend of mine (who happens to be a phenomenally…

  • A Medal in the Mailbox

    Look what I got in the mail today  I had to take this pic. It’s not every day one gets a medal  Almost feel like I’ve won the Olympics. Thanks Readers Favorite for recognizing my 1st book with this awesome award! https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/paralian       

  • Mondays are Writing Days

    Mondays are my writing days. I am slowly getting into it today, cuddling Nacho, while Pushka is contentedly snoring on the chair behind me. All the while, little Fellini is sitting on top of the fridge, fixing me with his most intense, unblinking stare, no doubt wondering when the silly bi-ped is going to stop…

  • A ‘Vanilla Latte’ Kind of Writing Day

    I am spending the afternoon writing at Starbucks with my notebook and a vanilla latte. Funny how this really is the perfect backdrop to writing a book (provided the place isn’t too crowded). Soft elevator music in the background, droning, indistinct voices, the rattle and hum of coffee machines, scents of sugary delicacies, and the…