Month: June 2016
If you want to give yourself a chance…
… at happiness, there is really only one option… We’ve come so far. At least we like to think so on most days. But then, members of the LGBT community are questioned on how they feel about society and about living openly as who they are. The answers are nothing short of stunning (and terrifying).…
Home Within
This was 1995, roughly a year before my gender reassignment surgeries. My clothes couldn’t be baggy enough and my coats couldn’t be long enough so as to hide my traitorous body. Alien female curves and boobs as big as gene-manipulated water melons disappeared behind these thick layers of tent-like clothing. By covering what shouldn’t be…
No one should have to fear…
… for being who they are. So much hate still out there. My heart is heavy thinking of the Orlando shooting victims. But you know what? Killing won’t help those who hate because they are too afraid to open their minds and understand. Because human diversity is as old as the world. Being straight, gay,…
Business Briefs on LGBT Issues – The Bay Area Reporter, San Francisco
The Bay Area Reporter, San Francisco, USA, June 9, 2016: “Business Briefs – SF Pride president pushes corporations on LGBT issues.” Paralian was presented at a global LGBT conference in San Francisco and is mentioned in the article under the heading “LGBT consultants headed to SF”. – by Matthew S. Bajko
Presenting in San Francisco
Arriving in San Francisco today after 11 years of absence was surprisingly like stepping into a pair of well worn, comfortable shoes. All senses were flooded with familiar yet deliciously foreign sensations. I inhaled the city scents, basked in the Californian evening sun and headed straight into a strong Pacific evening breeze during a brief…
The Woolf: Liam Klenk in Conversation
‘The Woolf’ literary magazine, June 3, 2016: In Conversation – Diversity, change, and fluidity are a gift, a privilege, not a threat. Susan Platt talks identity and borders with author Liam Klenk.
In Conversation: Liam Klenk
Diversity, change, and fluidity are a gift, a privilege, not a threat. Susan Platt talks identity and borders with author Liam Klenk. Source: In Conversation: Liam Klenk