Today was the day: first day at work on the island of Malta for this ‘Fortunate Nomad’. Everything had happened so fast… one day interview on the phone in Germany… only three days later already in Malta… I was full of doubts when I went to my new place of work, hadn’t slept all night and wondered what I was getting myself into.
And then, I did what came natural. In the morning, I simply said, I wanted to wait with signing anything, then took the first chance that presented itself to speak very openly with the HR representative about all I wasn’t sure about.
Soon, she was able to clear everything up very satisfactorily. I gladly signed my contract. Now I am ready for this new adventure and it is time to find a little cozy haven to rent in one of the small cities close to my new work place. I see lots of flowers on our balcony, a cozy couch, evening walks at the sea side and, of course, yet another chance to meet many interesting people and broaden my horizons.
Hello Malta!